Episode 10: Stars
The Birth & Death of the Lights in Our Universe
Part 2 of our Mini-Series: “Space Our Favorite Frontier” (non-consecutive episodes)
Fly through the cosmos this week with Josh and Kara as they cycle through the births and deaths of various kinds of stars in our universe. Learn how stars have been classified over time and how some of our favorite telescopes (Hubble!) help scientists figure out how hot and old stars are across space. From the beautiful clouds of gas that are the “nurseries for stars” to black holes that form from the death of the largest stars, discover how the saying “we are all born of stardust” is true!
Nebulas & Protostars
Nuclear Fusion
Star Classification Systems
Supernovas, & Other Forms of Star Death
Red Dwarf Stars
©️Wolf & Stag Productions LLC, 2025
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