Episode 9: Zodiac Astrology
How Copernicus Screwed up the Zodiac
Part 1 of our Mini-Series: “Dip into the Zodiacs” (non-consecutive episodes)
Explore the history of Western Zodiac Astrology with Kara and Josh! From Ancient Babylon, to Medieval Europe, to 20th-century Britain, to Modern USA, learn about the ebbs and flows of Zodiac Astrology. From a form of science to a pre-Enlightenment relic, to a modern phenomenon, the practice of astrology has long had cultural significance. Learn from an astronomical point of view, why your sign or birth chart is “wrong”. Listen as Kara (a practitioner) and Josh (a respectful skeptic) discuss astrology as a form of faith as well as a useful self-improvement tool.
Ancient to Modern History of Western Zodiac Astrology
How Astrology Aided Astronomy
Why Some Say your Sign is Incorrect
Modern Cultural Implications and the Virality of Astrology
Faith, Pseudo-psychology, and Disbelief
©️Wolf and Stag Productions LLC, 2025
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